begins with nourishing
our body, mind, and spirit.
Dear Seekers and IX Keepers,
As the calendar turns to a new year, we welcome the light and potential of all that lies ahead. It’s a new beginning, an opportunity to build on the growth of last year with more intention, more grace, and more courage.
My wish for 2021 is that we all work together to manifest the world we wish to see. Through the experiences of last year, we gained a deep understanding of what no longer serves us individually and collectively. Now it is time to use these insights to bring forth a world rooted in consciousness and community.
Crystals hold tremendous stability and wisdom. They are here for us now, as strong allies, asking to serve as our companions in this work of creation. At IX, we are committed to making this happen.
It is our deepest hope that this month’s Consciousness Compass helps you nourish your body, mind, and spirit, with inspiration and content designed for your journey of growth. We are here with you, and for you.
With Love and Light,
Instituto Xilonen

Josephina is an elegant and stately milky quartz point who serves as the Divine Mother of the IX Master Crystal family. She has a large crack through her base that was healed with golden rutile, a Crystal that amplifies her sensitivity and power.
Josephina shows us that strength can be found in the places we have been broken. Love and safety aren’t promised, yet they are the catalysts for imagination and vision. Whereas dreams are the foundation of creativity, they must also be used to initiate action, for this is how the divine feminine becomes embodied.
A Message of Encouragement from Josephina
Don’t underestimate your power, even in times of struggle. The twists and turns are not to be feared – they are part of every being’s unique journey. When one dream ends, dream a new dream. Keep dreaming and doing, always from a place of love. A solid foundation is created when many diverse experiences come together with purpose and intention.

Living a conscious life is key to aligning the body, mind, and spiritual connection. Crystals can help amplify that connection by raising our vibrations.

New Year’s Resolutions. Most of us have some experience with setting and breaking resolutions that were created with so much hope when the calendar flipped to a new year. What seemed appropriate at the time may have become too much to maintain over time.
This year, let’s ponder a new approach.
The chaos of 2020 made the value of simplicity abundantly clear. We purged. We adjusted, we let go – sometimes voluntarily, sometimes not. Our expectations, hopes, and dreams became more nimble because we were forced to respond in new ways to the world in front of us. Patterns were interrupted and we got creative, often surprising ourselves at our adaptability.
This year, think of making just one resolution – of setting one intention to define how you want to respond to the year ahead. Keep it simple, focused, and an overarching north star. It might be a phrase to use as a mantra. Or a motivational message that is written and framed, or set as a reminder on your phone. Or maybe it’s just one word – one powerful word that can inspire and calm no matter what.
The idea is to create a resolution that will help you stay focused on the big picture so that the small stuff stays small. An intention that you want to keep in your pocket or take with you everywhere, like a trusted friend who can always bring you back to center.
As we transition out of the challenges of 2020, let’s use this New Year’s resolution to build upon our strengths and move us further into an authentic expression of our highest self.

The Capricorn Sun illuminates the peak of our sacred inner mountain, and the path that leads to our cherished goals, as the new month and new year begin. This year the Capricorn season inspires us to look both backward and forward, like the Roman god Janus, for whom January was named, as we reflect back on the unprecedented year we are coming out of, and look forward to the one that has just begun.
Looking back we can see just how far we have come, and how we have been carried through last year’s Capricornian upheavals, tests and challenges, inspired by the titanic line up of 2020’s Saturn/Pluto/Jupiter in Capricorn, as we now reflect on current goals and the clear slate that the new year provides. Saturn and Jupiter have now left Capricorn, and are winging through the friendly skies of Aquarius, the sign of community. It’s a good time to focus on gratitude. At IX, we begin the year by sending gratitude to our beloved community for our ongoing connection and support. Gratitude bathes our consciousness in expansive generosity, and reminds us that regardless of the difficulties and challenges that life presents, Capricorn, the sign of maturity, reminds us, that there is always much to be truly grateful for.
The year we are coming out of will forever be defined by the Saturn/Pluto/Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn that shook and continues to shake the foundations of the world and all things Capricorn. These themes include nations, states, governments, executives, corporations, banking, currency, the stock markets, fathers, CEO’s, world rulers, commitments, structure, infrastructure, goals, responsibilities, and elders. Capricorn also rules chains metaphorically or otherwise that bind us. Last year we were confronted with patterns that hold us back in one way or another. This year we are called to free ourselves from oppression and pursue our authentic happiness.
Last month Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, and massive Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, both took wing and headed into the friendly skies of Aquarius, where they are circling the Capricorn mountain range from a birdseye view. Together they are working to elevate our aspirations, liberate our consciousness and expand our possibilities, as we find our birds of a common feather with whom to explore new ideas and freedom. This year community, collaboration, friendship, and technology will be the foundation of our personal and collective success, and the evolutionary leap we are poised to take together.
The month begins with the Sun, Mercury, and transformational Pluto all in Capricorn the sign of the tenacious, intrepid mountaineering goat. This puts the radiant, intellectual and transformational focus on our long-term goals, careers, finances, and the disciplined commitment that leads inevitably to achievement. With Pluto, the sign of the shadows, in the mix this month, we have ongoing transformational work to do on the executive front. Capricorn always invites us to focus our intentions on achievable goals, with commitment illustrated through consistent, practical action. The month begins with Mercury and Pluto merging forces on January 4th, inspiring an empowering change of our executive thinking and plans. Later in the month, on the 14th, the Sun merges forces with Pluto, spotlighting further revelations that inspire executive transformations, regarding our long-term goals and how we express our executive leadership.
With Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, and Jupiter both in evolutionary, intellectual Aquarius, we should now be exploring a new set of goals and higher aspirations that involve greater outreach, group effort, and alignment with our authentic self. Success is always a team sport, but especially this year. In this year’s phase of the hero’s journey, we connect with our fellows on the quest for freedom and our authentic bliss.
Venus and Mars, the lovers, each begin January in a fiery sign to ignite our passion as the year begins. Mars, the warrior, begins the month in Aries, his home sign, inspiring us to stride into the year with powerful strategic action, while lovely Venus begins the month in wise Sagittarius, kindling the flame of our love of adventure. Early in the month Venus and Mars both head into earth signs grounding our energy and love in more practical expressions. On January 6th Mars heads into Taurus after a very long stint in Aries his home sign. Mars will be harnessing his considerable energy to the plow of constructive material efforts. Venus will grab her briefcase and head into executive Capricorn to pursue her most beautiful and treasured goals.
Mercury, the planet of thought and communication, leaves Capricorn on January 8th as Venus changes signs, and heads into evolutionary Aquarius to elevate and liberate our minds. Mercury will station retrograde on January 30th, inspiring a period of reflection and revelation that could change and inform big long-term goals, community efforts, and shifting alliances.
The New Moon in Capricorn on January 13 at 12:00 AM EST will be traveling conjunct powerful Pluto, initiating further insight, revelations and transformation of our executive and professional efforts. It’s time to make powerful changes to reclaim our authority and commit to our true bliss.
The Full Moon in Leo on January 28th puts the nurturing spotlight on our commitment to our creative bliss, creative collaborations, and our inner children as well as the actual children of the world. The pressure is on this Full Moon to heal our inner child, unleash our inner artist, and find creative allies and groups with whom to manifest and monetize our art.
The month ends with Mercury stationing retrograde in Aquarius, inspiring us to look backward as the month ends in order to reflect on our desired liberty, creative and otherwise, and the connection that will support us in all we are considering and reconsidering.
It’s a beautiful month to consult with our inner executive, inner reformer, and inner elder to inform our goals for the new year and our strategies to build the team required to achieve them. Powerful Pluto will continue to help us laser away commitments and goals that are not aligned with our true authentic selves while showing us with penetrating vision where our real gold is. Saturn and Jupiter will be exponentially expanding our social reach, inviting us to use technology to cast our social nets wider. Surround yourself with deep indigoes, blues and executive grey and black. Spend time with rocks to learn grounding. Spend time with your finances and day planner. Spend time climbing and envisioning the summit that awaits you. Commit to your true self as you climb to your bliss with a song on your lips and gratitude in your heart!
With Love,
Demitra Vassiliadis, Heaven To Earth Astrology
We created the IX Virtual Private Session to ensure that you and your Crystal are a perfect match.