The Consciousness Compass
Our theme for December is self-realization, where we recognize and celebrate the embodiment of our deep inner truths. Self-realization is a natural theme for the end of the year when we are drawn inward to integrate and appreciate the beauty and growth in our lives, especially that which was born from struggle over the last 12 months. What makes this reflection even more meaningful is that on December 17th, we move into the astrological New Year and usher in the Age of Aquarius. As tough as 2020 has been, all of the pain had a purpose - to wake up the individual and collective consciousness of the planet. In doing so, it's become immensely clear that we are all connected. We are all energetic beings sharing this beautiful world together, where we have a responsibility to each other that is far greater than many imagined. It is an honor to be experiencing this remarkable time of transformation with our beloved IX Community. It is our deepest hope that you feel well supported and equipped for your spiritual journey of growth. We are here with you and for you.
Instituto Xilonen
Self-realization feels like stepping onto a mountaintop after an arduous journey. It is joyful, expansive, and filled with beauty and peace. The contentment that comes with self-realization is hard-earned. It is not an external reward for good behavior. Instead, it is the result of a profoundly personal journey to discover our true, immortal self.
The path to self-realization isn’t linear. It is filled with ups and downs, cycles and stages. Sometimes we get stuck, judging situations as good or bad, positive or negative. Sometimes we feel lost, overwhelmed, confused, or abandoned. Yet within all of these highs and lows is the very wisdom we are seeking.
Nature teaches us that change is cyclical and constant. The path toward self-realization is the same, where we grow and circle back, moving from one stage of development to the next as if in an upward spiral. With each turn, we have a new point of view. When the process of expansion is celebrated with a sense of curiosity and adventure, life shifts. We lose our sense of separateness and embrace a sense of wonder. Instead of identifying with the physical world we live in, we recognize ourselves as a magnificent union of body, mind, and spirit.
In essence, self-realization is a high resonance state of being, where we recognize our humanity, and our divinity, and embrace both. As we work in balance between these two states, we are able to honor the uniqueness of all beings, including ourselves.
There is no way to divine the future, there are quite literally infinite possibilities. So why do we spend so much of our energy trying to plan and guess how things may work out? And why do we often jump to the worst case scenario? We have a tendency to want to be in control because it helps ease our anxiety about the unknowns in our lives. But when we spend our energy trying to control situations and potential outcomes, we tend to miss the beauty that is all around us: an existence grounded in wonder, happiness, and love. When you shift your focus towards these high resonance emotions, you may unlock your infinite potential and realize you can accomplish anything. Living a life fully tapped into these emotions requires trusting the intuitive wisdom within us, and within the Universe.
The act of letting go can be difficult, especially when you are used to being in control. Challenge yourself. How does holding on to control benefit you and what is the cost? If the price is greater than the payout, perhaps there is room to try things a different way. Take some time to reflect on the past month, and find an example of when you were too attached to a certain outcome. Think about the energy you spent focused on how the scenario might play out. Did the picture in your mind match reality? Was it worth all that energy? What if instead, you could release the pressure of trying to be in control? What energy or emotion could take its place? Consider shifting your attention toward love, wonder, and happiness. Notice what you feel in your body as you connect to these emotions. Evaluate the same scenario from before, what might you do differently from this perspective?
From here, cultivate your relationship with these emotions. Use them as a grounding force for creation and self-realization. To do so, contemplate these questions: What if you loved yourself so much that you could approach any unknown with a sense of curiosity and possibility? What if you loved yourself so fully that any fear could be met with compassion for the lesson it is trying to impart? Pause and acknowledge any spark of joy or curiosity that might be showing up. Use these questions as a motivating tool towards building a new modus operandi.
Finally, create rituals rooted in love. Start a gratitude practice, tap into your creative brain by painting or baking, make a list of 20 things that bring you joy and commit to doing them, donate your time to someone in need. It is essential that you stick with whatever rituals you choose and integrate them into your daily life. By granting yourself this loving gesture of ritual, you have the power to change your reality. In the not too distant future you’ll look back in awe of all that you’ve created, and all that is possible.
Amy Saltsman, Amy Saltsman Coaching
White is the color of transparency and cleansing, making it a beautiful energy to work with at the end of the year.
Color expert and author, Daniel Briez writes, “The specific feature of the White Frequency is that it cleanses the energetic fields. Because it contains all the other colours, it provides the proper frequency whenever it is required.”
White is associated with spirituality, new beginnings, growth, purity, and cleanliness. White light is called in to balance auric fields, to bless another, for purification, and for protection. It’s the color of wedding dresses, simplicity, snow, clouds, and angel wings. And white is the color that holds the great peace that people report when drawn toward the light during a near-death experience.
The color white is helpful when one needs clarity. White is an amplifier that widens the auric field, giving us a greater capacity to filter exterior events and energies. Daniel states, “If you find yourself in a muddle that is hard to distance yourself from and find the way out of a situation, White helps you to understand the issue better.” In this way, white helps to settle and regulate our vibratory field from tiring energies picked up throughout the day, or even after electromagnetic pollution from jet lag.
Daniel Briez, author and lecturer, is the founder of the Colour Institute. He runs many chrome therapy courses in France and other countries. Designer of the Althearah brand of “Colour Perfumes,” his research has attracted the interest of scientists, members of the medical community and health care professions, and he has gained an international audience.
Josiah’s brilliance is his ability to recognize, reflect, and elevate all that is within us with clarity and love. His willingness to share these insightful gifts is why he is honored as the IX Crystal CEO.
Josiah is a revered Clear Quartz Crystal with a majestic five-sided face, which is also called an Isis face. He stands next to the window at IX, gathering the light and then guiding us to grow into the highest version of ourselves.
Since IX began, Josiah’s steady hand and reassurance have created an environment for personal and professional expansion and growth. By empathizing presence, gratitude, trust, and intention-setting, Josiah reminds us that how we experience the journey of our lives depends on where we place our focus.
About the Name Josiah
The name Josiah is of Hebrew origin and means “the highest intelligence that supports and heals; the fire of the Universal love.” It represents an inner need for quietness and a desire to understand the deeper truths of our world.
Message from Josiah
We begin as seeds and grow according to the nourishment of our life’s journey. What we think and feel creates understandings that hinder or expand our growth. As we nourish our consciousness, we can adjust our choices and envision new panoramas that allow our destiny to emerge with beauty.
Sagittarius Season
December begins with the Sun riding his blazing chariot through equestrian Sagittarius, the sign of travel, adventure, wisdom, higher learning, abundance, optimism and cultural exploration. On December 1st, Mercury, the planet of thought and communication, leaves Scorpio’s depths where he has been wandering both retrograde and forward since October.
As the new month begins, Mercury exits the underworld, hops in the saddle, and joins the Sun in the sign of the archer centaur. Mercury will be lifting our minds to new heights, offering a much needed higher perspective after his sojourn through Scorpio’s cavernous depths. It’s time to ride off in search of wise application and integration of all that we discovered in our depth work over the last two months of Mercury’s underworld journey, and the last year of systemic, global transformation. Here at IX we are therefore aiming the Sagittarius bow and arrow, straight at the target of self-realization this month. Self-realization is the desired outcome of all of our questing, healing, and the transformational depth work that we have been engaged in during 2020.
December will present us with a big planetary opportunity mid-month, to take a quantum leap in our personal development, liberation, evolution and self-realization, when titanic Saturn and Jupiter leave executive Capricorn, where Pluto the transformer will remain till 2024. Saturn and Jupiter will glide into the elevating air currents of Aquarius and will lay the groundwork for our collective evolution and the liberation from much that has bound us in the past. Mercury in Sagittarius invites us to prepare for this coming remarkable planetary shift, right at the outset of the month, by expanding our thinking, our philosophical understanding, and our ability to think way outside of the usual mental borders.
Astrologically Sagittarius, ruled by massive Jupiter, the king of the Gods in Roman mythology, is a sign known for generosity, optimism, largess, love of travel, and Divine Protection. Sagittarius, invites us to explore new vistas, cultures and perspectives, in search of the essential wisdom within them. Once we have discovered new wisdom, Sagittarius invites us to explore effective ways to apply it that result in a more joyful, rich, harmonious and healthy life. Sagittarius rules Higher Knowledge which is merely conceptual unless we can apply it in order to be all that we are meant to be, and do all that we are meant to do.
We are coming to the end of a year of massive revelations, transformations, and systemic restructuring, that astrologically was defined by the Saturn/Pluto/Jupiter conjunction in executive, corporate Capricorn. By the end of this month, Saturn and Jupiter will be leaving the sign of the goat, signaling an effective end to a major phase of the year’s epic changes. The Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius can assist us in taking stock of the past year, and making meaning out of all that was revealed to us about our inner needs and outer lives. It’s a perfect month to put our insights and healing into practice, and apply them to the worthy, joyous goal of self-realization.
Sagittarius invites us to explore a variety of cultural practices that can result in healthy, happy fulfilled lives, characterized by self-realization which allows us unfettered freedom of authentic expression. It’s a gorgeous month to delight in exploring a variety of cultural practices, celebrations, and wisdom traditions that enrich our lives. Sagittarius delights more in the journey than the destination, reminding us that the most important step of any journey is the one we are taking right now. The first two weeks of December find us on a waning Lunar tide after last month’s Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Gemini, that occurred on the last day of November. The first two weeks of December offer us a perfect window to adjust to new patterns of thought and beliefs as we release falsehoods, fears and illusions that stand in the way of true wisdom, mental liberation and enlightenment.
The New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 14th begins a new cycle of philosophical and actual new beginnings, as we truly begin to see ourselves, our world and even reality, with an entirely new perspective. This New Moon begins a growing lunar cycle that will nurture a potentially epic shift in our collective consciousness. On the day after the New Moon/Solar Eclipse, on the 15th, lovely Venus joins the Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius, inspiring us to explore beautiful new beliefs, ideas, and a variety of approaches to expressing higher love and cultural beauty. Venus will be inspiring cross-cultural and international love as she gallops across all borders and leaps into the holiday season trailing love and beauty as she goes.
On December 17th, a massive energetic shift occurs, when titanic Saturn leaves executive Capricorn, and heads into liberating, humanitarian Aquarius for the next 2 and a half years, initiating a major evolutionary leap of our collective consciousness, regarding how we administrate our lives and our world. Two days later, Jupiter, the mighty planetary ruler of Sagittarius, also leaves Capricorn, and joins executive Saturn in the sign of liberty, equality and humanity for the next year. These two planetary movements signal a massive collective quantum leap, that invites us each to commit to a world governed by a new freedom and a higher consciousness. As both Saturn and Jupiter travel through Aquarius, the lover of freedom, they will be assisting us in creating corporate, business and executive structures that shift paradigms. Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius will inspire freedom from inner or outer systems of oppression, that impede our self-realization, and our pursuit of happiness.
On December 20th, Mercury leaves Sagittarius, and heads into executive, responsible Capricorn, inspiring us to crystalize our new executive mission statements in alignment with our authentic selves and goals. Mercury will be reminding us that our first executive responsibility is our commitment to ourselves, our self-realization, and giving our unique gifts to the waiting world. The very next day on December 21st, the Sun heads into responsible Capricorn for the winter solstice, spotlighting our inner CEO, who now has an elevated mission statement with Saturn in Aquarius, as winter officially begins.
Luna continues waxing through the major holidays this year, until December 29th when the Full Moon in soulful Cancer provides a powerful nurturing ending to this extraordinary year. Luna will be inviting us to explore a new level of inner comfort that is a direct result of the work we did all year to face our fears and transform. Two night’s later we bid farewell to 2020, and prepare to usher in a New Year that holds a quantum leap for us as we embody all the deep inner work we did in the cocoon of transformation through 2020. May your gorgeous wings be fully grown and ready to carry you to new heights in 2021.
Till then, delight in all forms of travel. Spend time on the road, on the trail or on the internet exploring new wisdom, healing practices, and new locations. Surround yourself with deep blues, lapis lazuli, turquoise and regal purples. Spend time with horses, riding or just enjoying horse wisdom and horse sense. Keep your focus on elevation, liberation and higher truths that always set us free. Delight in your immense wealth, giving thanks ceaselessly for your health, beauty, talent, wisdom and all that you already are!
Blessing of Gratitude to one and All for your sacred unique necessary Presence in this world!
With Love,
Demitra Vassiliadis, Heaven To Earth Astrology
Use this quote to connect with and amplify your best possible self.
Use this quote to connect with and amplify your best possible self.
There are important sources of energy outside of our body that can be activated by tapping into the Earth’s energy. The Earth Star chakra is the lowest chakra on the 12 chakra system sitting about 9-12″ below our feet. No matter where we are geographically situated, the Earth Star acts as a doorway to connect our personal energy to the greater universal vortex of energy emanating from the Earth’s core. When the 12th chakra is open and receptive, we stand firmly on the Earth, feeling supported by her ever-present, self-generating, and self-sustaining power. Our connection to the Earth Star allows us to understand that a higher consciousness exists beneath us, generating feelings of grounding, stability, and wellbeing.
Medium.comWhat is Self-Realization? VIEW ARTICLE What is the Importance of Self-Realization? How is it Beneficial? VIEW ARTICLE
LifehackHow to Attain Self Realization (Step-By-Step Guide) VIEW ARTICLE
Holly Star, Intuitive Healer
In this 10-minute reflective meditation, Intuitive Healer Holly Star contemplates how to access our divine purpose and live a life with more meaning and joy.
We are thrilled to introduce Seeds of Light for the Holidays – an exclusive opportunity to gift a private matching session and a bespoke IX Crystal to your special someone from the comfort of their home.
More information is coming soon. Until then, please email us if you’re interested in this very special gift experience.
Vianney Bringas is the Resident Crystal Metaphysician of Instituto Xilonen. From the time the Crystals arrive at Instituto Xilonen, Vianney is charged with their proper handling, programming and safekeeping. She designs rituals and conducts workshops on their use and care. She aims to share her extensive knowledge of spiritual practices with Instituto Xilonen’s clients, crafting individualized programs that will help each client achieve their own unique higher consciousness. Learn how to create your own healing Crystal grid with Resident Crystal Metaphysician, Vianney.
Vianney Bringas is the Resident Crystal Metaphysician of Instituto Xilonen. From the time the Crystals arrive at Instituto Xilonen, Vianney is charged with their proper handling, programming and safekeeping. She designs rituals and conducts workshops on their use and care. She aims to share her extensive knowledge of spiritual practices with Instituto Xilonen’s clients, crafting individualized programs that will help each client achieve their own unique higher consciousness. Learn how to create your own healing Crystal grid with Resident Crystal Metaphysician, Vianney.