Dear Seekers and IX Keepers,
As summer approaches, it’s time to stop and reflect upon the last few months of growth, challenge, and change.
In our quest for purpose and meaning, it’s easy to forget how vital it is to replenish ourselves. When we take time for contemplation, we invite our experiences to come full circle and integrate. We give ourselves time to rest, refill, and recharge to reach higher levels of contentment and peace.
June’s IX Crystal, Coco, supports us with this invitation, “Now is the time to absorb all that I have to give. Use me to replenish you.” Use Coco, your Crystals, nature, music, whatever soothes and replenishes you over the next few weeks as you take time for contemplation. By developing a practice of integration and self-care, we create a nurturing pathway for our highest selves to manifest in the world.
It is our greatest hope that this issue of The Compass nourishes your consciousness with inspiration and content designed for your body, mind, and spirit on your journey of growth. We are here, with you and for you.
With Love and Light,
Instituto Xilonen

About the Name
Coco is an abbreviation of the Spanish name Socorro, which means “help” or “relief.”
About the Crystal
Coco is a captivating Skeletal Quartz Crystal with Hematite Inclusions.
Skeletal Quartz forms when Quartz crystallizes during unstable conditions, creating layers, geometric patterns, and hollow internal cavities. These uneven growth patterns and complexities give Skeletal Quartz Crystals great wisdom. They invite us to peel back the layers of instability that keep us from understanding the deeper truths of life and the magic that lies within. Skeletal Quartz can help us get straight to the heart of the matter, or it can offer bits of wisdom, so our understanding builds over time, layer by layer. With its ability to work with us in multiple ways to provide clarity, Skeletal Quartz can help release obstructions to further information and healing.
The Hematite Inclusions in Coco welcome spiritual ideas, aspirations, dreams, and goals to the material plane. Thus, Coco’s combination of Skeletal Quartz with Hematite helps us remove blocks, overcome obstacles, and then ground and integrate our newfound wisdom into daily life.
Message from Coco
“Now is the time to absorb all that I have to give. Use me to replenish you.
“Earth plane people have been through many troubling events and troubling times in recent months. Allow me to fill you with joy, possibility, promise, and love. Take this energy into the places of your heart and being that have been bumped and bruised.
“Take my energy into yours. Fill yourself with these light-filled energies. Find within you the love that wants to be shared. Feel it inside of you. Hold it in your heart. I will help you. Share this light and this love with each other.“
Affirmations from Coco
“I gratefully receive the love offered to me.”
“I fill and replenish myself with joy, possibility, promise, and love.”
“I share my light and love with others.”

As we give, we must also replenish. Crystals can help us settle into a deep state of receptivity while amplifying the Spiritual force that fills us with energy and light.

Try this beautiful practice of communing with nature to fill and replenish your well-being.

To recharge, we need to relax. This article looks at the many ways we can intentionally create periods of relaxation throughout the day to support the needs of our body, mind, and spirit.

Author Catherine Beard explores the possibility of living with contentment instead of searching for happiness.
By Demitra Vassiliadis

We glide into June on a growing Lunar cycle that began on Memorial Day with the New Moon in Gemini. June also begins on the tail end of Mercury’s retrograde, which started on May 10th in Gemini, giving us a few more days to review insights gained during this time.
On June 3rd, Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, stations direct in Taurus. We can begin to slowly advance ideas revised during the retrograde as we head toward the golden orange warmth of approaching summer. We will be in the opposite shadow of Mercury’s retrograde till June 18th, allowing time to make any further adjustments.
On June 4th, the day after Mercury stations direct, Saturn, the planet of weighty responsibility, stations retrograde in liberating Aquarius. This initiates months of review regarding our commitment to authentic responsibilities, group efforts, and communities as we seek further elevation of consciousness and alignment with liberating truths.
Therefore, this month at IX, we will be focusing on meditation, contemplation, and reflection on our highest contributions as we come out of one retrograde and head into another. It’s a perfect month to take in all that is unfolding as we foster higher levels of peace and contentment.
On June 13th, Mercury glides into winged Gemini, where he began his retrograde last month, inspiring clearer thinking and greater emotional intelligence as we view revised plans from a higher perspective. The Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 14th illuminates brilliant ideas and corrected beliefs that empower us and fill us with faith, wisdom, generosity of spirit, and a new level of adventurous curiosity.
On June 21st, the Summer Solstice, the Sun enters maternal soulful Cancer. Summer officially begins as the Aries Moon merges forces with Jupiter to nurture our most daring ideas and adventures. The very next day, lovely Venus leaves earthy Taurus and joins Mercury in Gemini to inspire our most beautiful thinking and verbal expression.
A week later, on June 28th, visionary Neptune stations retrograde a few hours before the New Moon in maternal Cancer. We are invited to glide into the growing Lunar cycle of summer on a wave of soulful, spiritual reflection that calls us back to our sacred visions and how to share our gifts with the waiting world.
With Love and Blessings to All,
Demitra Vassiliadis
Heaven To Earth Astrology
Relax and absorb the beautiful, rejuvenating, and transformational sounds of this Crystal Alchemy Singing Bowl Meditation, played by world-renowned Professor Jeralyn Glass.
We created the IX Signature Session to ensure that you and your Crystal are a perfect match.