Dear Seekers and IX Keepers,
July is about activity, a different kind of activity, where we change things up and do something out of the norm. From sitting on a beach appreciating the lull of the waves to full-on active play, this month is about switching gears and using our introspective moments as fuel for movement.
Our Crystal Guide is Lhasa, a Pyrite known for its ability to spark a fire when its reflective, mirror-like surface is struck. Lhasa teaches us the perfect energy for summer – the dance between reflection and movement. It’s time to bring inner wisdom into outer expression and then relax inward again to reflect and uplevel, repeating this pattern until it becomes an easy flow.
It is our greatest hope that this issue of The Compass nourishes your consciousness with inspiration and content designed for your body, mind, and spirit on your journey of growth. We are here, with you and for you.
With Love and Light,
Instituto Xilonen

About the Name
In the Tibetan language, Lhasa means “City of Gods.”
About the Crystal
Lhasa is a very special 16.5-pound Pyrite Cluster.
Pyrite derives its name from the Greek word pyr, meaning “fire.” Pyrite can create a spark when struck and became a valuable fire starter in prehistoric times. Many ancient civilizations used Pyrite in jewelry, including the Greeks, Romans, and Incas. Ancients also used the reflective surface of Pyrite as a mirror. Today, we see this as a mirror for the soul to help us recognize harmful habits and establish new patterns with a positive, can-do attitude.
Pyrite is a stone of manifestation, action, and determination. It pulls from the abundant energy of the Earth to give us a refreshing dose of strength, vitality, and willpower. Pyrite energies ignite our inner warrior, who knows the journey of many miles begins with one step. The stone boosts confidence, generating the motivation to achieve goals through daily, focused effort. Pyrite grounds higher knowledge into action, inspiring choices that nurture our community and world.
Message from Lhasa
“It’s such a perfect time of year to use my power and energy and to delight in moving and swirling with the joyful breezes of the season. I am FULL of light and love, and I extend it in many, many directions. There is a whir of energy within me and around me. I invite you to feel my offer to join me in moving, loving, giving, being, and celebrating the joy and reward of action.
“It is in the actions we take that the soul is engaged in generating a positive extension of energy. Be a part of that extension and spread the desire to move. Move your bodies, move your stuck or dormant beliefs, move your heart and move your mind to higher levels of joy and love to all. Feel my excitement and move with me.”
Affirmations from Lhasa
“As I swirl with the joyful breezes of the season, I move stuck and dormant beliefs.”
“Through my actions, my soul generates a positive extension of energy.”
“I move my heart and mind to higher levels of joy and love to all.”

Movement energizes our life force, amplifying good health and personal growth. Crystals can be energizing, insightful companions to help us move body, mind, and spirit and enliven the soul.

In this article, therapist and coach Jacqueline Mendez shares how movement awakens and revitalizes the body, creating a pathway to the wisdom that lies within.

Writer Nicole Dean looks at why we are drawn to new and different experiences, why we need them, and how to balance our curiosity with stability.

They are often called “leaps of faith,” but underneath is a desire to practice exploring the unknown. Author Mo Seetubtim explains how we liberate more of our authentic nature with each fear we face.
By Demitra Vassiliadis

July glides in with an invitation to step into the month with a willingness to nurture ourselves and our need for emotional peace and domestic bliss.
We begin with the Cancer Sun squaring off with Jupiter in Aries, the sign of the daring Ram and one of the signs of self, calling us to courageously act on our cherished desires for both security and adventure as we pursue our authentic happiness. Therefore here at IX, we are focusing on action this month, especially moving into action to find the self, enjoy ourselves, and clear the way to our peace and bliss.
Cancer, the sign of home, family, the soul, and all things maternal, always calls us home to reconnect with our roots and our need for the stability that home and family provide. It’s a stellar month to make time for nesting activities that recharge our energetic batteries. The Cancer Sun that illuminates our emotional nature can help us be in touch with our feelings and the needs they point to. Jupiter and Mars in Aries can then give us the energy, courage, and resolve, to move into action to attend to those needs. Mercury and Venus begin July in winged Gemini, inspiring clear and beautiful thinking and communication.
There is an apparent conflict between Cancer the Crab, whose movement is sideways, backward, or inward and Aries the Ram, who moves courageously and relentlessly forward. This month we are called to do both. It’s time to take bold action to advance our desires, then pull in to rest, retreat, and regroup before the next volley of action.
The planets echo this alternating theme. While Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Uranus are moving forward, calling us to advance, Saturn, Pluto, Neptune, and by the end of the month, Jupiter, are all in retrograde.
It is a summer of both action and weighty deep reflection, during which much may be revealed.
On July 5th, Mars leaves daring Aries and glides into earthy Taurus, giving us the staying power to take constructive action to finish what we started when Mars was in Aries. On the very same day, Mercury leaves winged Gemini and joins the Sun in Cancer to nurture our emotional intelligence.
On July 13th, the Full Moon in Capricorn illuminates our executive intelligence, long-term goals, and the discipline required to achieve emotional stability and our domestic desires.
On July 17th, lovely Venus leaves winged Gemini, where she has been nurturing our most gorgeous ideas, and joins Mercury and the Sun in soulful Cancer, blessing us with emotional grace and our homes with beauty and love.
On July 19th, Mercury leaves maternal Cancer and strides into expressive Leo. It’s time to act on the creative ideas we have been incubating. Two days later, on the 22nd, the Sun joins Mercury in golden, radiant Leo to illuminate our creative brilliance and the path to our hearts. We will have some time to reflect on romantic, creative, and heart-centered desires before July 29th, when the New Moon in Leo calls us to actively follow or create our golden bliss.
Delight in finding the pace and movement that feels right for you this month. Feel into when to advance, when to retreat and when to be still and present.
With Love and Blessings to All,
Demitra Vassiliadis
Heaven To Earth Astrology
By Demitra Vassiliadis

Each month, Demitra also writes the Celestial Crystal Calendar for IX, where she pairs significant planetary events with Crystals that amplify and balance the energies.
Stanford University health psychologist, Kelly McGonigal, created this 8-minute research-backed workout to inspire a state of joy.
We created the IX Signature Session to ensure that you and your Crystal are a perfect match.