on a powerful and positive note.
Dear Seekers and IX Keepers,
As the calendar turns to 2022, the energies of winter continue to draw us into reflection. Yet the daylight is expanding, offering illumination.
Our theme this month is commitment, and we have filled this issue with articles to help you uncover your passions and strengthen your resolve. In your reflections, we invite you to include a commitment to Mother Earth. Her endless gifts include our beautiful Crystals, offered to us as vibrant expressions of her art and heart. Crystals support us with their stable strength, teach us to see with clarity and help us crystallize our commitments. As Mother Earth gives to us, let us remember to give back to her as well.
It is our greatest hope that this month’s Compass nourishes your consciousness with inspiration and content designed for your body, mind, and spirit on your journey of growth. We are here, with you and for you, throughout 2022 and beyond.
Instituto Xilonen
About the Name
The name Terra means Earth or land.
About the Crystal
Terra is one of the IX Master Crystals. She’s an exquisite Clear Quartz Sphere with a diameter of 59 centimeters (23 inches). Terra represents the Earth element at IX and lives with her partner Luna, who represents the Moon.
Clear Quartz is the “stone of light.” It amplifies the connection between the physical and the universal energy of Spirit, reminding us that we are always connected. Clear Quartz can absorb, store, release, and regulate energy. It is excellent for clearing blocks that keep us from the clarity of higher truth. Clear Quartz is considered one of the most powerful stones, able to help replenish a state of bliss and harmony to all who wear, work, pray, and meditate with it.
Message from Terra
“I am beauty in motion. I am sparks of imagination and intuition swirling around in timeless motion.
“When you hold me or work with me you will feel a sense of inner movement. You will want a natural and compelling expansion in your life and in your thoughts. It is a time in our Earth plane existence to expand our thinking, our stagnant thoughts. It is a time to connect with others on a powerful and positive note. It is time for an upward swell of positive force to sweep away limiting thoughts. It is time to take our thoughts away from our individual lives and flow with more connectivity.
“Dance with me. Move with me. Follow the rhythm of the heavens. Work together to create more heavenly moments on earth. It is beautiful to connect to each other.”
Affirmations from Terra
“I am beauty in motion.”
“My life and thoughts are constantly expanding.”
“I connect with the energy around me with ease.”
As you reflect on your desired commitments, invite the support and guidance of Crystals for clarity, perseverance, and crystallization.
It’s the time of year when many people create resolutions, often including one to improve health. In this article, Elizabeth Rider shares a few tips on how to keep your commitments strong.
When we cultivate an introspective mindset, it is easier to discover what our passions are and where we are being called. Author Dhaval Patel leads us through nine steps of exploration and reflection in this article from the Zenful Spirit.
In this compelling article, Blake D. Bauer explains how commitment and freedom co-exist to create healthy, balanced relationships.
By Demitra Vassiliadis
New Year’s Day finds us on the very last day of the waning lunar cycle. It is a perfect day to use our Crystal practice to help release all that no longer serves us before the first New Moon of the year.
On the very next day, January 2nd, the New Moon in Capricorn initiates the energetic beginning of 2022. This New Moon sets the tone for January, inspiring us to reconsider our commitments and dreams before we begin to pour the foundation for our success in the New Year. Venus is traveling retrograde in Capricorn for this New Moon, hand in hand with powerful Pluto, indicating that our success this year will depend in no small way on our capacity to release goals that no longer resonate with us and truly commit to those that align with our values, our empowerment and all that we love.
Massive Jupiter will provide the opportunity to expand our dreams this year, but first we must know what they are. Therefore here at IX, we are choosing commitment as our focus this month, as lovely Venus draws our attention inward to reflect, rethink, reevaluate, and reclaim all that we are truly deeply committed to. We can use gorgeous, grounding Crystals to aid us in this focused reflection.
On January 2nd, hours before the New Moon in Capricorn, Mercury heads into liberating Aquarius where he will retrograde later in the month. Mercury will be lifting our consciousness higher to help free us from bogus ideas, beliefs, and commitments so that we are energetically free to discover our authentic bliss and pursue it. We can use our Crystal practice to elevate our consciousness as Mercury is tuned to the Aquarian Heights.
On January 14th, as Luna waxes toward fullness, Mercury stations retrograde in Aquarius calling us inward and backward to examine ideas, beliefs, and projects that require review, reconsideration, or release. Mercury will help liberate us from falsehoods that bind us, as he travels through the sign of revelations and higher truth.
The Full Moon in Cancer on January 17th brings our feelings and needs regarding our evolving commitments to light, along with all that we are actively reconsidering. Two days later on January 18th, the Sun leaves responsible Capricorn and joins Mercury in the friendly, liberating skies of Aquarius to raise our consciousness. A few days after the Sun leaves Capricorn, on January 24th, Mars will head into Capricorn, the sign of his exaltation, providing us with plenty of disciplined, focused, energy with which to pursue the goals we are committed to.
On January 25th, Mercury will retrograde out of Aquarius and back into Capricorn, inspiring further intelligent review of our true goals and social commitments. On January 29th, lovely Venus stations direct after her retrograde sojourn through Capricorn, inspiring us to begin to slowly advance the revised beloved commitments that we feel rock solid about.
With Love and Blessings to All,
Demitra Vassiliadis
Heaven To Earth Astrology
In this five-minute video, Simon Sinek explores passion and how it drives commitment to something greater than ourselves.
We created the IX Signature Session to ensure that you and your Crystal are a perfect match.